Friends & Lovers:
"How to Meet the People You Want to Meet"

By Steve Bhaerman & Don McMillan

The pressure is on to meet people, right? WRONG!, say Steve Bhaerman and Don McMillan, who put their heads and experiences together and figured out that there's too much emphasis today on meeting people and not enough on simply having fun-and that's why most of the singles bar/singles get-togethers and "can't miss" methods fail miserably. In this new book, the emphasis is on how to do what's fun for you and how that will naturally help you meet more of the people you want to meet. Singles will learn how to:

Above all, the authors help singles stop letting everyone else set standards for what to do and how to meet people, and set themselves free to remember what's truly fun for them!

Steve Bhaerman and Don McMillan are Ann Arbor, Michigan, singles who got tired of the disappointments of the dating game and decided to write their own rules. Bhaerman is a writer and humorist who met his fiancee as a direct result of writing this book (and practicing what it preaches!). McMillan holds a master's degree in social work and has served as a family therapist and now as a management consultant.


204 pages
Only $10.00

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These books have attractive covers, measure 5.5" x 8.5", large readable type and fine quality paper.